El cuerpo de Violeta es un mapa de cicatrices. Desde su eje corre un río muy largo. En la orilla hay flores. Tres estrellas en la zona del abdomen. Una pincelada en el pecho.
La desnudez de su cuerpo asusta y asombra.
Violeta no le tiene miedo a las marcas porque conoce los dolores, las miserias y los placeres. La belleza no tiene límites. No está en el cuerpo.
Es metafísica.
Painted Bodies
The scars on Violeta's body are like a map. Along its axis runs a long river. On its banks there are flowers. There are three stars in the abdomen area. A brush stroke across the bust.
The nakedness of her body frightens and leaves aghast.
Violeta is not afraid of the marks because she knows pain, misery and pleasure. Beauty knows no limits. It is not in the body.
It is metaphysics.
The scars on Violeta's body are like a map. Along its axis runs a long river. On its banks there are flowers. There are three stars in the abdomen area. A brush stroke across the bust.
The nakedness of her body frightens and leaves aghast.
Violeta is not afraid of the marks because she knows pain, misery and pleasure. Beauty knows no limits. It is not in the body.
It is metaphysics.